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    Journal Insight #4: How to slow the process of your curtains fading

    Right! If you think this insight is going to help you avoid fading, I am about to disappoint. We are working with fabrics at windows, where light comes in, so we can’t stop fading – sorry. But… we can certainly manage it. Pretty much everything fades eventually. After all, putting things in bright windows hardly helps. Do things fade if they are cheap? Often, yes. You certainly pay for quality…
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    Journal Insight #3: Curtain Linings

    There is often some confusion when the subject of curtain linings is raised, although there isn’t really all that much to know. A quick review should do it. There are two types of linings. The first is the actual lining on the back of a curtain, which can be simple cotton or blackout. The softness of a cotton lining helps it drop effortlessly, with some light glowing through. In rooms…
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    Neutral curtain lining material

    Journal Insight #2: Curtain Headings

    In my last Journal Insight we looked at the big questions around stack-back, during the course of this topic, we raised the options of different types of headings, and so I thought maybe now is a good time to delve into this topic and explain curtain headings. Headings refers the myriad ways the top of a curtain can be finished and has impact on the cost, production timescales, how the…
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    Pink curtains with gathered fabric a the top

    Journal Insight #1: Stack-back

    Stack-back? Seriously? OK, I know it’s hardly the stuff of Hollywood movies, but it’s probably the single most regular question we get. What is it? It’s how wide the curtains are when they’re open, how much space they take up, and whether you have the room for them or if the gorgeous cabinet you’d planned to get fits in the room. See! Suddenly it’s sounding more important. Clearly every fabric…
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